Court Garden NV Classic Cuvée

Tasting notes
Good bubbles, lemony and a hint of brioche all with a long-lasting finish. Brilliant as an aperitif on its own or wonderful paired with subtle seafood.

Why we recommend this wine
English sparkling wine has recently been giving Champagne a run for it’s money in wine awards both being grown on similar soils and being made the same way. This one is made by a small, family-run concern thus meeting our preferred maker target and it tastes really good.

The wine
Court Garden’s sparkling wines win tons of awards and this one is no exception. It is made from Pinot Noir (43%), Chardonnay (36%) and Pinot Meunier (21%). The wine maker describes it as "Pale silver lime-leaf green, continuous small bubbles; toasty, under-ripe pineapple and greengage fruit behind; Brut-style, balanced with creamy mousse and great freshness, long finish."

The wine estate
In the lea of the South Downs, in Ditchling, East Sussex, Court Gardens has a long history of farming. In Saxon times the farm was known as the Manor of Ditchling Garden, from the middle ages to the reformation it was held by the monks at the priory in Lewes. After a short spell being owned by the crown the farm became known as Court Garden. The farm appears on one of the earliest maps of Sussex, Yeakell and Gardner's map of 1778-1783, just to the north of Ditchling. Not much has changed in the landscape since then.
The vineyard was established in the spring of 2005 on a beautiful south-facing slope with the South Downs as a backdrop, and is now one of the more charming vineyards in England. The family run single-estate vineyard now extends to 17 acres, mainly planted with the three traditional Champagne varieties of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier.
Sussex shares similar geology to north-east France, the chalk of the downs runs beneath the Channel into the Champagne region. It has a maritime climate which is perfect for the production of sparkling wine.

Food and wine
The perfect accompaniment to sushi, lobster and other white fish. Also see our guide to pairing food and wine here.

Did you know?
The same chalky soil that is in Sussex and in the ‘White Cliffs of Dover’ disappears under the Channel and stays hidden until re-emerging in Champagne.